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Different Types of Testing and Implementation in Real-Time Scenarios Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Describe different types of testing and explain how to implement them in real-time scenarios. Provide examples and tools that can be used.


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Regression Testing Example Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

You are working as a QA Analyst at Amazon and the company recently added a new feature to the Amazon Pay service that enables cryptocurrency transactions. Explain what regression testing is and how you would design a regression test plan for this new feature to ensure it does not break existing functionalities, particularly focusing on payment processing and account management.


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Automate a Test Using Python Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write a function in any programming language you know to automate a test.


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Test Cases for Google Search Widgets Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Write test cases for widgets that pop out when you perform a Google Search. For example, the calculator widget when searching 'tan x', or the unit converter widget when searching 'convert 60kgs to pounds'. The test cases should cover general scenarios testing this functionality of invoking widgets via the search toolbar.


  • Each test case should verify that the correct widget is rendered based on the search query.
  • You do not need to go into details of individual widget functionalities, but rather ensure that the correct widget appears.


Test Case 1:

  • Input: 'tan x'
  • Expected Result: Calculator widget should appear.

Test Case 2:

  • Input: 'convert 60kgs to pounds'
  • Expected Result: Unit converter widget should appear.

Provide a few more example test cases to illustrate the point.


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Selenium Automation Using XPath Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Provide Selenium automation code to locate the element through XPath and validate a given test case.


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Testing the Google Search Bar Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Describe how you would test the functionality of the Google Search Bar. Consider different scenarios and edge cases that need to be verified.


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Write a Code to Print All Links from a Web Page Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty easy

Write a Python script using Selenium WebDriver to print all the links (<a> tags) from a web page. The script should open the specified web page, find all the links, and then print out the text and the URL for each link.


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Basics of Automation Testing Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty easy

Explain the fundamentals of automation testing. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using automation testing over manual testing. Provide examples of popular automation testing tools and their use cases.


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Automating Web Form Submission Using Selenium Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

You are required to automate the submission of a web form using Selenium WebDriver in Python. The form has the following fields:

  • Text input field with id="username"
  • Password input field with id="password"
  • Submit button with id="submit"

Write a Python script using Selenium to fill out the form and submit it, handling potential delays in the page load using WebDriverWait.


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Handling Pop-ups in Selenium Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Write a code snippet in Python to handle pop-up windows using Selenium WebDriver. The code should demonstrate how to switch to the pop-up, perform an action such as accepting or dismissing it, and then switch back to the main window.


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Performance Testing, Testing Tools, and Experience in Automation Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Discuss the importance of performance testing, tools commonly used for performance testing, and your experience in automation testing.


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