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Key Concepts: Automation Frameworks with Cucumber and JUnit Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Explain the concepts of Automation Frameworks with a focus on Cucumber and JUnit. Provide an overview of their functionalities and how they can be used together for effective testing. Include examples of how to set up and use these tools to automate test scenarios.


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Find the Union of Two Strings Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

Write a function in Python and Java to find the union of two strings. The union of two strings includes all unique characters present in either of the strings.


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Automate a Login Test Case Using Selenium in Java Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

Write a Java method using Selenium WebDriver to automate a test case for logging into a website. The method should navigate to the given URL, input a username and password, and assert that login was successful. Assume the login page has input fields with IDs 'username' and 'password', and a login button with ID 'loginButton'.


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Core Java Programming Questions Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

As a software engineer at Oracle, explain the concept of multithreading in Java and its advantages. Provide an example that demonstrates creating and running multiple threads in Java. Additionally, explain how synchronization is used to handle thread safety.


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Palindrome Program in Java Language Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty easy

Write a Java program to check if a given string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward (ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization).


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Testing the Search Form on Amazon and Coding for 2nd Greatest Number in an Array Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium
  1. How would you test the search form on Amazon?
  2. Write a simple program in Java to get the second greatest number in an array.

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Function to Print Based on Divisibility Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

Write a function in any language that will print "AN" if a number is divisible by 8, "ANIM" if divisible by 16, and "ANIMAL" if divisible by 32.


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Class Representation of a Deck of Cards with Shuffle and Deal Methods Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write a class representation of a deck of cards (52 cards) in Python and Java that includes shuffle and deal methods.


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Reverse a Linked List in Groups of K Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write a function to reverse a linked list in groups of K (any number) in Python and Java.


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Understanding Java SE Features and Concepts Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

As a software engineer at Oracle, you need to demonstrate your understanding of core Java SE features. Explain the concept of Java SE's Garbage Collection mechanism. Provide an example code snippet that shows how you can suggest garbage collection in Java and explain how the garbage collector works.


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Core Java Concepts: Thread Safety Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

As a software engineer at Oracle, explain the concept of thread safety in Java. Describe various techniques to ensure thread safety in Java applications. Provide an example that demonstrates how to use synchronized blocks and java.util.concurrent package to handle thread safety.


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Understanding the Static Keyword in Java Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

Explain the purpose and usage of the static keyword in Java. Provide examples of how it is used in the context of a class and its members. Discuss its impact on memory allocation and access control.


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Differences Between List, Set, and Map in Java Collections Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Describe the differences between List, Set, and Map in Java Collections. Provide examples of common implementations for each type and explain when you would use them.


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Removing Subsequent Duplicate Characters from a String Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Given a string in a character array, write a function in Java to remove subsequent duplicate characters until we get a unique set of characters.


  • Input: apple
    • Expected Output: ale
  • Input: appapple
    • Expected Output: le

The input will be in the form of a character array.

Function Signature:

char[] removeDupes(char[] inputString);

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What is Binary Search? Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

What is binary search?


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What is Binary Search Tree? What is Doubly Circular Linked List? Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

What is a Binary Search Tree? What is a Doubly Circular Linked List?


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Check if Parentheses are Closed in a String Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write a function in Python and Java to check if parentheses are closed correctly in a given string. The function should support different types of parentheses: (), {}, and [].


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Selecting Elements with jQuery Based on Attribute Value Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty easy

You are building a web application and need to select all HTML elements that have a specific data attribute using jQuery. Specifically, select all elements with the data attribute data-status equal to active and apply a CSS class highlight to them.


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Difference Between JDK and JRE Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty easy

Describe the difference between JDK (Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Runtime Environment). Provide a brief explanation of each and explain when you would use one over the other.


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Subtracting One Number from Each Index in an Array Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

Given an array with numbers from 1 to 5, write a function in Python to subtract one number from each index.


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Logical Programming and Algorithm Questions in Java Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

As a software engineer at Oracle, demonstrate your understanding of logical programming and algorithms. Provide examples in Java for the following:

  1. A program to check if a string is a palindrome.
  2. A sorting algorithm (such as Bubble Sort) with an explanation.
  3. Basics of Java language concepts, such as loops and conditionals, with a simple example.

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Creating and Starting Threads in Java Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Explain two ways to create and start threads in Java. Provide a brief explanation and example code for each method.


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Handling Exceptions in Java Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Explain how exceptions are handled in Java. Provide a brief explanation of the different types of exceptions and include example code demonstrating the use of try, catch, and finally blocks.


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What are the OOP Methods? Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Explain the core Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) methods. Provide definitions and examples for each of the primary methods: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.


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