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Test Strategy Creation for a Web Application Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

You are given a new web application for which you need to create a test strategy. The application has the following features:

  • User Authentication (Login/Signup)
  • Dashboard displaying user-specific data
  • CRUD operations on user profiles
  • Real-time notifications
  • RESTful API for mobile clients

Describe your test strategy, detailing the types of tests you would include, tools you would use, and how you would ensure comprehensive test coverage.


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Creating Test Cases for a User Login Feature Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Imagine you are tasked with testing a new User Login feature for a web application. Outline the steps you would take to create a comprehensive test plan and design test cases for both positive and negative scenarios. Highlight any tools or frameworks you would use in your process.


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Test Cases for Google Search Auto Complete Feature Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Imagine you are tasked with testing the auto-complete functionality of Google Search. Outline the key test cases you would create for this feature, covering both positive and negative scenarios. Highlight any tools or frameworks you would use in your process.


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Different Types of Testing and Implementation in Real-Time Scenarios Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Describe different types of testing and explain how to implement them in real-time scenarios. Provide examples and tools that can be used.


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Testing Amazon Shopping Cart and Web App Access Troubleshooting Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium
  1. Provide detailed test cases for an Amazon Shopping Cart. Consider various functionalities and edge cases.
  2. You are hosting a web app on your server that is usually accessible only to a specific set of people. However, on an unusual day, the web app is accessible to everyone. How would you troubleshoot this issue? Describe the steps you would take.

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Understanding Software Testing Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

What is software testing? Explain its importance in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and highlight some common types of software testing.


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Understanding the Importance of Testing in SDLC Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

What is testing? Why is it required in SDLC?


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Test Plan and Test Cases for Flight Travel Company Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Given a scenario for a flight travel company write a test plan and test case.


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Test Cases for Shopping Cart Functionality Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write test cases about the shopping cart.


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Test Cases for Elevator System Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

What are the test cases for an elevator system?


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Test Cases for Google Search Widgets Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Write test cases for widgets that pop out when you perform a Google Search. For example, the calculator widget when searching 'tan x', or the unit converter widget when searching 'convert 60kgs to pounds'. The test cases should cover general scenarios testing this functionality of invoking widgets via the search toolbar.


  • Each test case should verify that the correct widget is rendered based on the search query.
  • You do not need to go into details of individual widget functionalities, but rather ensure that the correct widget appears.


Test Case 1:

  • Input: 'tan x'
  • Expected Result: Calculator widget should appear.

Test Case 2:

  • Input: 'convert 60kgs to pounds'
  • Expected Result: Unit converter widget should appear.

Provide a few more example test cases to illustrate the point.


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Key Concepts: Automation Frameworks with Cucumber and JUnit Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Explain the concepts of Automation Frameworks with a focus on Cucumber and JUnit. Provide an overview of their functionalities and how they can be used together for effective testing. Include examples of how to set up and use these tools to automate test scenarios.


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Test Case for Amazon User Shopping Process Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty medium

Write a test case about Amazon users' shopping process.


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Designing Tests for Amazon Web Store Review System Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty hard

A thought question: think up as many tests and contingencies as you can if you were to design the Amazon web store review system from scratch.


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Test Cases for Google Maps Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Write detailed test cases to verify the search functionality on Google Maps.


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Testing the Google Search Bar Quality Assurance @ Google Difficulty medium

Describe how you would test the functionality of the Google Search Bar. Consider different scenarios and edge cases that need to be verified.


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Types of Testing in Software Testing Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty easy

What are the different types of testing involved in software testing?


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Test Plan and Test Strategy for Automated Parking Kiosk System Quality Assurance @ Amazon Difficulty hard

Develop a test plan and test strategy for an Automated Parking Kiosk System.


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Application of OOP in Automation Quality Assurance @ Oracle Difficulty medium

As a Quality Assurance Engineer at Oracle, you are tasked with designing a test automation framework using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Explain how you would apply OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction in building the framework. Provide a simple example in Python demonstrating these OOP principles in the context of test automation.


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Performance Testing, Testing Tools, and Experience in Automation Quality Assurance @ IBM Difficulty medium

Discuss the importance of performance testing, tools commonly used for performance testing, and your experience in automation testing.


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