profile pic Data_analysis
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Identify Customers with Orders in Multiple Years Data Engineer @ Netflix Difficulty hard

Write an SQL query to identify customers who have placed orders in multiple years. The orders table has columns order_id, customer_id, and order_date.


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A/B Testing Case Study Data Scientist @ Netflix Difficulty hard

You are tasked with designing an A/B test to evaluate whether hiring linguists to produce subtitles for shows increases user engagement. Describe the steps you would take to design and implement this A/B test, including how you would measure success.


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Metric Design for Hiring Linguists to Produce Subtitles Data Scientist @ Netflix Difficulty hard

Design a set of metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of hiring linguists to produce subtitles for Netflix shows. Explain why each metric is important and how it would be measured.


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Integrating Data from Multiple Systems Data Engineer @ Google Difficulty hard

Describe how you would integrate data from multiple systems. Explain the steps involved, the technologies you would use, and any challenges you might encounter.


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Design a Database and Summarize Sales Data Data Engineer @ Google Difficulty hard

Design a database from scratch to store and summarize sales data. Include tables for products, customers, orders, and order details. Explain how you would design the schema, summarize sales data, and predict future sales.


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Designing a Data Analytics Pipeline for E-commerce Platform Data Engineer @ Google Difficulty hard

Design a data analytics pipeline for an e-commerce platform. Describe the key components, technologies, and processes involved from data ingestion to reporting and analytics.


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Get Top Ten Data from Last Column of CSV File Using Python Data Engineer @ Google Difficulty medium

How do you write a Python program to get the top ten data entries based on the last column from a comma-separated flat file (CSV)?


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