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Creating a Data Quality Dashboard Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty medium

Given a dataset containing customer transaction records in a CSV format, describe how you would create a data quality dashboard to track key metrics like missing values, duplicate entries, and data type mismatches. Specify the tools and technologies you would use.


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Comparing BI Tools and Knowledge of Machine Learning Data Analyst @ Amazon Difficulty medium

What is the difference between Tableau, Power BI, and other BI tools? Do you have any knowledge of Machine Learning?


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Visualizing Sales Data Using SQL and Tableau Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty medium

Write a SQL query to calculate the total revenue generated per product per month over the last year. Explain how you would visualize this data in Tableau, mentioning the types of charts you would use and why.

Input Data: sales table:

| sale_id | product_id | sale_date  | quantity | price  |
| 1       | 101        | 2023-01-10 | 10       | 15.00  |
| 2       | 102        | 2023-02-15 | 5        | 20.00  |
| 3       | 101        | 2023-01-20 | 7        | 15.00  |
| 4       | 103        | 2022-12-10 | 3        | 30.00  |
| 5       | 101        | 2022-11-10 | 12       | 15.00  |

Output: The query should return the total revenue generated per product per month over the last year.


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Technical Questions on Tableau Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty medium

What steps are involved in creating a dashboard in Tableau?


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Difference Between Extract and Live in Tableau Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty easy

What is the difference between Extract and Live in Tableau?


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Understanding XYZ in Tableau @ Apple Difficulty easy

What is a xyz in Tableau and what does it do?


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Troubleshooting Broken Reports Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty medium

How would you diagnose and resolve issues when a business intelligence report breaks in a production environment?


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