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Implementing MapReduce for Common Problems Data Engineer @ Yahoo Difficulty hard

Explain how to implement MapReduce for the following common problems: word count, inverted index, and mean calculation. Provide a brief description and a sample code for each problem.


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Finding Second-Degree Friends Using MapReduce Framework Data Engineer @ Yahoo Difficulty hard

Using the MapReduce framework, explain how you would find the second-degree friends for each user in a social network. Provide a brief description and a sample code for the solution.


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MapReduce, IP Pool Management, and Rotated Array Search Data Engineer @ Uber Difficulty hard
  1. MapReduce Random Lines from Large Log Files: Using the MapReduce framework, how would you get X amount of random lines from large log files?

  2. Managing a Pool of IPs: Describe how you would design a system to manage a pool of IP addresses, ensuring efficient allocation and deallocation.

  3. Rotated Array Search: Given a rotated sorted array, write a Python function to search for a target value. Explain your approach and provide the solution.


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Understanding Big Data and Hadoop Data Analyst @ Google Difficulty medium

What is Big Data and what is Hadoop used for?


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