profile pic Databases
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Advanced SQL: Consecutive Numbers and Date Segregation Data Analyst @ Amazon Difficulty hard

Explain how you would use advanced SQL techniques to identify consecutive numbers and segregate absent and present dates.


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Capping Seller Items and Selection Criteria Data Analyst @ Amazon Difficulty hard

How would you put a cap on the number of items a seller is allowed to have on the Amazon marketplace? What would be the criteria for selecting which items stay on the marketplace if this limit was imposed and sellers were over the limit?


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Troubleshooting Broken Reports Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty medium

How would you diagnose and resolve issues when a business intelligence report breaks in a production environment?


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Understanding OLAP and Its Differences from Other Database Types Data Analyst @ Google Difficulty medium

What is OLAP and what are its differences compared to other database types?


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Creating a Joined Table from Two SQL Tables Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty medium

If you have two SQL database tables that are not joined together, how would you create another table to join them.


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Data Normalization in SQL Data Analyst @ Google Difficulty medium

You are given a database containing customer orders. The database currently has redundant and repetitive data, leading to inconsistency and excess storage usage. Explain how you would apply normalization techniques to this database. What specific steps would you take to achieve Third Normal Form (3NF)? Provide example tables before and after normalization.


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