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Technical Questions on Tableau Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

What steps are involved in creating a dashboard in Tableau?


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SQL query to find top employees by tickets solved Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

Given two tables named Tickets and Employees, where Tickets contains columns id, employee_id, and status, and Employees contains columns id and name, write a SQL query to find the employee who is solving the most tickets. The result should include the employee's name, the number of tickets they have solved, and their rank based on the number of tickets solved.


`Tickets` table:
| id | employee_id | status  |
|  1 |     1       | solved  |
|  2 |     2       | pending |
|  3 |     1       | solved  |
|  4 |     2       | solved  |
|  5 |     1       | solved  |

`Employees` table:
| id | name         |
|  1 | John         |
|  2 | Jane         |

Output: The query should return the employee name, the number of tickets they have solved, and their rank.


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Difference Between Extract and Live in Tableau Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Easy

What is the difference between Extract and Live in Tableau?


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SQL Transpose Queries Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

How do you perform transpose operations in SQL to convert rows into columns?


Consider a table named `Sales` with columns `month`, `employee_id`, and `amount`:

| month | employee_id | amount |
| Jan   |     1        | 100    |
| Jan   |     2        | 150    |
| Feb   |     1        | 200    |
| Feb   |     2        | 250    |


Transpose the table to show each month as a separate column with amounts for each employee:

| employee_id | Jan | Feb |
|     1       | 100 | 200 |
|     2       | 150 | 250 |

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Understanding XYZ in Tableau @ Apple Difficulty Easy

What is a xyz in Tableau and what does it do?


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Factors and Process for Generating a Forecast for an Item @ Apple Difficulty Medium

What factors should be used in generating a forecast for an item, and what should be the process of generation?


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Handling Under-performing Predictive Models Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

How would you identify and address potentially under-performing predictive models in a production environment?


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Troubleshooting Broken Reports Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

How would you diagnose and resolve issues when a business intelligence report breaks in a production environment?


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SQL Query with Joins and Complex Logic Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Hard

Given three tables named Products, Sales, and Customers, write an SQL query to find the top 5 products with the highest total sales from the last month. The query should involve joins between these tables and should account for any discounts applied. Also, handle any potential NULL values in the total sales calculation.


- `Products` table:
    | id | name       | price |
    | 1  | Product A  | 10    |
    | 2  | Product B  | 20    |
    | ...| ...        | ...   |

- `Sales` table:
    | id | product_id | customer_id | quantity | discount | sale_date |
    | 1  | 1          | 1           | 5        | 0.1      | 2023-09-15|
    | 2  | 2          | 2           | 3        | 0.0      | 2023-09-20|
    | ...| ...        | ...         | ...      | ...      | ...       |

- `Customers` table:
    | id | name       |
    | 1  | John       |
    | 2  | Jane       |
    | ...| ...        |

Output: The query should return the product name and the total sales amount in descending order of sales, limited to the top 5 products.


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SQL Join to Solve a Business Query Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Medium

Write an SQL query to retrieve the names of customers who have purchased more than 5 products in total within the last 30 days. The query should use joins to connect the Customers, Orders, and OrderDetails tables.


- `Customers` table:
    | id | name       |
    | 1  | John       |
    | 2  | Jane       |
    | ...| ...        |

- `Orders` table:
    | id | customer_id | order_date |
    | 1  | 1           | 2023-09-25 |
    | 2  | 2           | 2023-09-20 |
    | ...| ...         | ...        |

- `OrderDetails` table:
    | id | order_id | product_id | quantity |
    | 1  | 1        | 1          | 3        |
    | 2  | 1        | 2          | 4        |
    | 3  | 2        | 1          | 6        |
    | ...| ...      | ...        | ...      |

Output: The query should return the names of customers who have purchased more than 5 products in total within the last 30 days.


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Difference Between WHERE and HAVING Filters in SQL Data Analyst @ Apple Difficulty Easy

What is the difference between 'WHERE' and 'HAVING' filters in SQL? Provide an example to illustrate your point.


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Handling Skewed Distributions and Imbalanced Classes Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty Medium

How would you handle skewed distributions and imbalanced classes in a dataset intended for machine learning? Provide specific techniques and tools you would use.


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SQL and Differences Between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty Easy

What is SQL? Explain the differences between the DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP commands in SQL.


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Excel Background and Technical Proof Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty Easy

Using the dataset above, write an Excel formula to calculate the total sales made by each salesperson. Provide the calculated total sales for "John."

Input Data:

Consider a dataset in Excel with the following columns: `Salesperson`, `Product`, `Quantity`, and `Price`. 

| A          | B      | C        | D      |
| Salesperson| Product| Quantity | Price  |
| John       | Widget | 10       | 15     |
| Jane       | Gadget | 5        | 20     |
| John       | Gizmo  | 7        | 30     |
| Alice      | Widget | 3        | 15     |
| Jane       | Gadget | 10       | 20     |

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Maximum IF Statements in Nested IF Conditions in Excel Data Analyst @ Microsoft Difficulty Easy

What is the maximum number of IF statements you can nest within a single formula in Excel? Provide an example of a nested IF statement.


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