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SQL Query to Find Employee Salary Across Multiple Tables Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Given three tables: Employees, Salaries, and Departments, write an SQL query to find the salary of each employee along with their corresponding department name. The Employees table contains columns employee_id, employee_name, and department_id. The Salaries table has columns employee_id and salary. The Departments table includes department_id and department_name. Provide a query to list employee_name, salary, and department_name.


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Understanding Key Data Concepts: Data Mining, Data Pipeline, and Data Warehouse Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain Data Mining, Data Pipeline, and Data Warehouse? Highlight the purpose and key differences between these three concepts.


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SQL Skills for Data Analyst/Business Analyst Role Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Using the tables Employees, Salaries, and Departments, can you write an SQL query to find the names of employees who earn more than the average salary in their department? The Employees table contains columns employee_id, employee_name, and department_id. The Salaries table has columns employee_id and salary. The Departments table includes department_id and department_name.


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Excel Skills for Data Analyst/Business Analyst Role Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Using the tables Employees, Salaries, and Departments, can you write an SQL query to find the names of employees who earn more than the average salary in their department? The Employees table contains columns employee_id, employee_name, and department_id. The Salaries table has columns employee_id and salary. The Departments table includes department_id and department_name.


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Understanding LEFT JOIN in SQL Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain what a LEFT JOIN is in SQL and give an example of when you might use it?


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Checking Palindrome with SQL Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you write an SQL query to check if a given string is a palindrome? A palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backward. Assume the input string is stored in a table named Strings with a column named input_string.


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Checking Perfect Square without Using Square Root Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you write an SQL query to check if a number is a perfect square without using the square root function? Assume the number is stored in a table named Numbers with a column named num.


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Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain what the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is, and describe its different phases?


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Power BI vs Tableau Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you compare Power BI and Tableau, especially in terms of their features, usability, and use cases in a business context?


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Understanding VLOOKUP in Excel Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Easy

Can you explain how the VLOOKUP function works in Excel and provide an example of its usage?


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Understanding Measures, Calculated Columns, and Filters in Power BI Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain the difference between Measures and Calculated Columns in Power BI, and how filters are used to manipulate data within reports and dashboards?


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Selecting the Best Model for a Dataset Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain how to select the best model for a given dataset? What are the steps and criteria involved in evaluating and choosing the optimal model?


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Understanding the Difference Between WHERE and HAVING in SQL Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain the difference between the WHERE and HAVING clauses in SQL?


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Understanding MapReduce Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you explain what MapReduce is, and describe its purpose and how it works?


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SQL Joins: Connecting Tables Horizontally and Vertically Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Can you write SQL syntax to connect two tables horizontally and vertically? Please provide examples of both methods.


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Understanding Linear Regression Output in R Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Given the following R output from a linear regression analysis, interpret the results and explain the key components of the output.


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Creating a Data Quality Dashboard Data Analyst @ Accenture Difficulty Medium

Given a dataset containing customer transaction records in a CSV format, describe how you would create a data quality dashboard to track key metrics like missing values, duplicate entries, and data type mismatches. Specify the tools and technologies you would use.


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